Mr. Keiser
Greetings from Portugal and one idea.
For what it's worth, it seems to me that the revolution has to spread and send a clear sign to the elite. Occupy Wall Street was the beginning, Alex Jones started a better one with occupying the Federal Reserves, and I suggest people will start to occupy the TV stations, the presstitutes as Mr. Celente calls them. That will make them panic even more. Why is important that they panic? Because then they will start to make bigger and bigger mistakes. Despite their think tanks, their colour revolutions we will bring them down.
For what is worth you might spread this idea. Any ammunition targeted to the eyes of the beast are good ones.
Keep doing what your doing
Kind regards
Greetings from Portugal and one idea.
For what it's worth, it seems to me that the revolution has to spread and send a clear sign to the elite. Occupy Wall Street was the beginning, Alex Jones started a better one with occupying the Federal Reserves, and I suggest people will start to occupy the TV stations, the presstitutes as Mr. Celente calls them. That will make them panic even more. Why is important that they panic? Because then they will start to make bigger and bigger mistakes. Despite their think tanks, their colour revolutions we will bring them down.
For what is worth you might spread this idea. Any ammunition targeted to the eyes of the beast are good ones.
Keep doing what your doing
Kind regards
Para os que têm dificulades no Inglês traduzo o mais importante:
É importante que a revolução se espalhe, apos a ocupação de Wall Steet Alex Jones iniciou outro movimento mais importante com a ocupação das Reservas Federais, é importante também ocupar as TVs-- as presstitutas como lhes chama Gerald Celente. Isto faria a elite panicar ainda mais. Porque é que é isso é importante ? Porque ai vão cometer mais erros e apesar dos seus think tanks e revoluções coloridas nós vamos apeá-los.
A julgar pela apatia perante as medidas de austeridade, e pelo sucesso que o meu activismo tem tido, este blogue nem sequer é divulgado pelos que me conhecem. . . pergunto: terão os portugueses iniciativa para ocupar as TVs e mesmo bancos como o Barclays e o Deutsche Bank?
Gostaria de acreditar que sim
Gostaria de acreditar que sim
PANICAR é o verbo inexistente na lígua portuguesa -- que já é tempo de existir-- referente ao efeito de se entrar em pânico. É ridículo uma língua tão rica não ter determinados verbos com este.
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