Aparentemente os satanostas podem ainda destruir evidências comprometedoras.
O seu tweet de há cerca de 30 mins-- sãp 23 38 do dia 4 de Janeiro.
Is someone seeks to destroy documents sealed as “National Security,” they will now be successful. They will simply prove their complicity in heinous crimes. There is a “deadman’s switch.” They cannot destroy TRUTH.
Please act NOW @realDonaldTrump.
You can release the Kraken. twitter.com/llinwood/statu…
No tweet seguinte -- cerca de 29 mins-- afirma que existem milhares de vídeos expondo as acções pedófilas de pessoas poderosas e que o chefe de justiça Johm Roberts deve demitir-se já.
A implicitação de que este é pedófilo e há provas do facto é evidente.
Many have previously seen this bath video. I will not re-post it to avoid violation of Twitter rules. There are THOUSANDS of videos of pedophilia crimes committed by powerful people.
Chief Justice John Roberts must resign immediately. The storm is coming.
If @realDonaldTrump orders military to seize documents, Chief Justice Roberts, Rod Rosenstein, Nancy Pelosi, & many others will be immediately arrested.
Documents must be seized before they are destroyed. Time is now of the essence if this part of the Kraken is to be successful. twitter.com/llinwood/statu…
No seu tweet de há cerca de 1h exirta Trump a mandar os militares abrir ficheiros e comçar as prisões em massa, entre as quais Nancy Peloi.
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